Basic Usage

1 Prepare Configuration Files

1.1 Preparing Doxyfile

When applying Doxyrest to legacy Doxygen-based projects, a few key adjustments must be applied to the Doxygen configuration file Doxyfile.

First and foremost, we do need XML:


You may also want to turn the generation of HTML off now that you will be using Sphinx to build the final HTML documentation.


Next, choose the location of the resulting XML database:

XML_OUTPUT = xml-dir

Program listing vastly increases the size of XML so it’s recommended to turn it OFF:


The next one is not obvious, but it’s essential! Sphinx uses lowercase reference IDs, so Doxygen can’t use mixed-case IDs. This must be set even for case-sensitive languages such as C.


No need to worry, Doxygen will produce unique IDs for all identifiers.


The next one is also not so obvious – and quite frankly, I don’t have a clear explanation for why it produces the desired effect. However, it’s highly recommended to set it for C++ projects – otherwise Doxygen generates lots of bogus links to template arguments:


The last one is not essential, but recommended if your project sets AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to ON (like most projects do). Otherwise, auto-generated links may point to discarded items:


Refer to Doxygen Configuration for more details.

1.2 Preparing doxyrest-config.lua

doxyrest-config.lua is a Lua file with settings for frames.

A default doxyrest-config.lua file for standard frames can be found at $DOXYREST_FRAME_DIR/doxyrest-config.lua. Copy it to your project directory and then adjust all the necessary parameters.

Refer to doxid-group_frame_config for more details.

1.3 Preparing

While preparing a Sphinx configuration file, only a few adjustments have to be made:

Most importantly, specify the path to Doxyrest extensions for Sphinx and add these extensions:

sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('doxyrest-sphinx-dir'))
extensions += ['doxyrest', 'cpplexer']

Another one is closely related to the INTRO_FILE setting.

If one of the Doxyen pages was serving as the main page for your manual (was declared using \mainpage directive) and it’s now force-included into index.rst (with INTRO_FILE inside doxyrest-config.lua), it’s better to exclude it from the Sphinx input:

exclude_patterns += ['page_index.rst']

Otherwise, there will be build warnings such as:

path-to-rst-dir/page_main.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree

Other adjustments may be necessary for Styling. For more details on standard Sphinx settings, refer to Sphinx Configuration.

2. Build

After the configuration files are ready, it’s time to run all three stages of the Doxyrest pipeline:

$ doxygen Doxyfile
$ doxyrest -c doxyrest-config.lua
$ sphinx-build -b html rst-dir html-dir

The resulting files are now in html-dir