1 !> \brief Reads the only Fortran name list needed to boot-strap the model.
2 !!
3 !! The name list parameters indicate which directories to use for
4 !! certain types of input and output, and which files to look in for
5 !! the full parsable input parameter file(s).
8 ! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.
10 use mom_error_handler, only : mom_mesg, mom_error, fatal, warning, is_root_pe
11 use mom_file_parser, only : open_param_file, param_file_type
12 use mom_io, only : file_exists, close_file, slasher, ensembler
13 use mom_io, only : open_namelist_file, check_nml_error
15 implicit none ; private
17 public get_mom_input
19 !> Container for paths and parameter file names.
20 type, public :: directories
21  character(len=240) :: &
22  restart_input_dir = ' ',& !< The directory to read restart and input files.
23  restart_output_dir = ' ',&!< The directory into which to write restart files.
24  output_directory = ' ', & !< The directory to use to write the model output.
25  input_filename = ' ' !< A string that indicates the input files or how
26  !! the run segment should be started.
27 end type directories
29 contains
31 !> Get the names of the I/O directories and initialization file.
32 !! Also calls the subroutine that opens run-time parameter files.
33 subroutine get_mom_input(param_file, dirs, check_params, default_input_filename, ensemble_num)
34  type(param_file_type), optional, intent(out) :: param_file !< A structure to parse for run-time parameters.
35  type(directories), optional, intent(out) :: dirs !< Container for paths and parameter file names.
36  logical, optional, intent(in) :: check_params !< If present and False will stop error checking for
37  !! run-time parameters.
38  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: default_input_filename !< If present, is the value assumed for
39  !! input_filename if input_filename is not listed
40  !! in the namelist MOM_input_nml.
41  integer, optional, intent(in) :: ensemble_num !< The ensemble id of the current member
42  ! Local variables
43  integer, parameter :: npf = 5 ! Maximum number of parameter files
44  character(len=240) :: &
45  parameter_filename(npf), & ! List of files containing parameters.
46  output_directory, & ! Directory to use to write the model output.
47  restart_input_dir, & ! Directory for reading restart and input files.
48  restart_output_dir, & ! Directory into which to write restart files.
49  input_filename ! A string that indicates the input files or how
50  ! the run segment should be started.
51  character(len=240) :: output_dir
52  integer :: unit, io, ierr, valid_param_files
54  namelist /mom_input_nml/ output_directory, input_filename, parameter_filename, &
55  restart_input_dir, restart_output_dir
57  ! Default values in case parameter is not set in file input.nml
58  parameter_filename(:) = ' '
59  output_directory = ' '
60  restart_input_dir = ' '
61  restart_output_dir = ' '
62  input_filename = ' '
63  if (present(default_input_filename)) input_filename = trim(default_input_filename)
65  ! Open namelist
66  if (file_exists('input.nml')) then
67  unit = open_namelist_file(file='input.nml')
68  else
69  call mom_error(fatal,'Required namelist file input.nml does not exist.')
70  endif
72  ! Read namelist parameters
73  ierr=1 ; do while (ierr /= 0)
74  read(unit, nml=mom_input_nml, iostat=io, end=10)
75  ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'MOM_input_nml')
76  enddo
77 10 call close_file(unit)
79  ! Store parameters in container
80  if (present(dirs)) then
81  if (present(ensemble_num)) then
82  dirs%output_directory = slasher(ensembler(output_directory,ensemble_num))
83  dirs%restart_output_dir = slasher(ensembler(restart_output_dir,ensemble_num))
84  dirs%restart_input_dir = slasher(ensembler(restart_input_dir,ensemble_num))
85  dirs%input_filename = ensembler(input_filename,ensemble_num)
86  else
87  dirs%output_directory = slasher(ensembler(output_directory))
88  dirs%restart_output_dir = slasher(ensembler(restart_output_dir))
89  dirs%restart_input_dir = slasher(ensembler(restart_input_dir))
90  dirs%input_filename = ensembler(input_filename)
91  endif
92  endif
94  ! Open run-time parameter file(s)
95  if (present(param_file)) then
96  output_dir = slasher(ensembler(output_directory))
97  valid_param_files = 0
98  do io = 1, npf
99  if (len_trim(trim(parameter_filename(io))) > 0) then
100  if (present(ensemble_num)) then
101  call open_param_file(ensembler(parameter_filename(io),ensemble_num), param_file, &
102  check_params, doc_file_dir=output_dir)
103  else
104  call open_param_file(ensembler(parameter_filename(io)), param_file, &
105  check_params, doc_file_dir=output_dir)
106  endif
107  valid_param_files = valid_param_files + 1
108  endif
109  enddo
110  if (valid_param_files == 0) call mom_error(fatal, "There must be at "//&
111  "least 1 valid entry in input_filename in MOM_input_nml in input.nml.")
112  endif
114 end subroutine get_mom_input
116 end module mom_get_input
Container for paths and parameter file names.
Definition: MOM_get_input.F90:20
A structure that can be parsed to read and document run-time parameters.
Definition: MOM_file_parser.F90:54
This module contains I/O framework code.
Definition: MOM_io.F90:2
Reads the only Fortran name list needed to boot-strap the model.
Definition: MOM_get_input.F90:6
The MOM6 facility to parse input files for runtime parameters.
Definition: MOM_file_parser.F90:2
Indicate whether a file exists, perhaps with domain decomposition.
Definition: MOM_io.F90:68
Routines for error handling and I/O management.
Definition: MOM_error_handler.F90:2