idealized_hurricane Module Reference

Detailed Description

Forcing for the idealized hurricane and SCM_idealized_hurricane examples.

Data Types

type  idealized_hurricane_cs
 Container for parameters describing idealized wind structure. More...


subroutine, public idealized_hurricane_wind_init (Time, G, param_file, CS)
 Initializes wind profile for the SCM idealized hurricane example. More...
subroutine, public idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing (state, forces, day, G, US, CS)
 Computes the surface wind for the idealized hurricane test cases. More...
subroutine idealized_hurricane_wind_profile (CS, absf, YY, XX, UOCN, VOCN, Tx, Ty)
 Calculate the wind speed at a location as a function of time. More...
subroutine, public scm_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing (state, forces, day, G, US, CS)
 This subroutine is primarily needed as a legacy for reproducing answers. It is included as an additional subroutine rather than padded into the previous routine with flags to ease its eventual removal. Its functionality is replaced with the new routines and it can be deleted when answer changes are acceptable. More...


character(len=40) mdl = "idealized_hurricane"
 This module's name.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing()

subroutine, public idealized_hurricane::idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing ( type(surface), intent(in)  state,
type(mech_forcing), intent(inout)  forces,
type(time_type), intent(in)  day,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(idealized_hurricane_cs), pointer  CS 

Computes the surface wind for the idealized hurricane test cases.

[in]stateSurface state structure
[in,out]forcesA structure with the driving mechanical forces
[in]dayTime in days
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
csContainer for idealized hurricane parameters

Compute storm center location

Computes taux

Computes tauy

Get Ustar

Definition at line 201 of file Idealized_Hurricane.F90.

201  type(surface), intent(in) :: state !< Surface state structure
202  type(mech_forcing), intent(inout) :: forces !< A structure with the driving mechanical forces
203  type(time_type), intent(in) :: day !< Time in days
204  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
205  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
206  type(idealized_hurricane_CS), pointer :: CS !< Container for idealized hurricane parameters
208  ! Local variables
209  integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, Isq, Ieq, Jsq, Jeq
210  integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB
212  real :: TX,TY !< wind stress
213  real :: Uocn, Vocn !< Surface ocean velocity components
214  real :: LAT, LON !< Grid location
215  real :: YY, XX !< storm relative position
216  real :: XC, YC !< Storm center location
217  real :: f !< Coriolis
218  real :: fbench !< The benchmark 'f' value
219  real :: fbench_fac !< A factor that is set to 0 to use the
220  !! benchmark 'f' value
221  real :: rel_tau_fac !< A factor that is set to 0 to disable
222  !! current relative stress calculation
224  ! Bounds for loops and memory allocation
225  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec
226  isq = g%IscB ; ieq = g%IecB ; jsq = g%JscB ; jeq = g%JecB
227  isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
228  isdb = g%IsdB ; iedb = g%IedB ; jsdb = g%JsdB ; jedb = g%JedB
230  ! Allocate the forcing arrays, if necessary.
231  call allocate_mech_forcing(g, forces, stress=.true., ustar=.true.)
233  if (cs%relative_tau) then
234  rel_tau_fac = 1.
235  else
236  rel_tau_fac = 0. !Multiplied to 0 surface current
237  endif
239  !> Compute storm center location
240  xc = cs%Hurr_cen_X0 + (time_type_to_real(day)*cs%hurr_translation_spd*&
241  cos(cs%hurr_translation_dir))
242  yc = cs%Hurr_cen_Y0 + (time_type_to_real(day)*cs%hurr_translation_spd*&
243  sin(cs%hurr_translation_dir))
246  if (cs%BR_Bench) then
247  ! f reset to value used in generated wind for benchmark test
248  fbench = 5.5659e-05
249  fbench_fac = 0.0
250  else
251  fbench = 0.0
252  fbench_fac = 1.0
253  endif
255  !> Computes taux
256  do j=js,je
257  do i=is-1,ieq
258  uocn = state%u(i,j)*rel_tau_fac
259  vocn = 0.25*(state%v(i,j)+state%v(i+1,j-1)&
260  +state%v(i+1,j)+state%v(i,j-1))*rel_tau_fac
261  f = abs(0.5*us%s_to_T*(g%CoriolisBu(i,j)+g%CoriolisBu(i,j-1)))*fbench_fac + fbench
262  ! Calculate position as a function of time.
263  if (cs%SCM_mode) then
264  yy = yc + cs%dy_from_center
265  xx = xc
266  else
267  lat = g%geoLatCu(i,j)*1000. ! Convert Lat from km to m.
268  lon = g%geoLonCu(i,j)*1000. ! Convert Lon from km to m.
269  yy = lat - yc
270  xx = lon - xc
271  endif
272  call idealized_hurricane_wind_profile(&
273  cs,f,yy,xx,uocn,vocn,tx,ty)
274  forces%taux(i,j) = g%mask2dCu(i,j) * tx
275  enddo
276  enddo
277  !> Computes tauy
278  do j=js-1,jeq
279  do i=is,ie
280  uocn = 0.25*(state%u(i,j)+state%u(i-1,j+1)&
281  +state%u(i-1,j)+state%u(i,j+1))*rel_tau_fac
282  vocn = state%v(i,j)*rel_tau_fac
283  f = abs(0.5*us%s_to_T*(g%CoriolisBu(i-1,j)+g%CoriolisBu(i,j)))*fbench_fac + fbench
284  ! Calculate position as a function of time.
285  if (cs%SCM_mode) then
286  yy = yc + cs%dy_from_center
287  xx = xc
288  else
289  lat = g%geoLatCv(i,j)*1000. ! Convert Lat from km to m.
290  lon = g%geoLonCv(i,j)*1000. ! Convert Lon from km to m.
291  yy = lat - yc
292  xx = lon - xc
293  endif
294  call idealized_hurricane_wind_profile(cs, f, yy, xx, uocn, vocn, tx, ty)
295  forces%tauy(i,j) = g%mask2dCv(i,j) * ty
296  enddo
297  enddo
299  !> Get Ustar
300  do j=js,je
301  do i=is,ie
302  ! This expression can be changed if desired, but need not be.
303  forces%ustar(i,j) = us%m_to_Z*us%T_to_s * g%mask2dT(i,j) * sqrt(cs%gustiness/cs%Rho0 + &
304  sqrt(0.5*(forces%taux(i-1,j)**2 + forces%taux(i,j)**2) + &
305  0.5*(forces%tauy(i,j-1)**2 + forces%tauy(i,j)**2))/cs%Rho0)
306  enddo
307  enddo
309  return

◆ idealized_hurricane_wind_init()

subroutine, public idealized_hurricane::idealized_hurricane_wind_init ( type(time_type), intent(in)  Time,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(param_file_type), intent(in)  param_file,
type(idealized_hurricane_cs), pointer  CS 

Initializes wind profile for the SCM idealized hurricane example.

[in]timeModel time
[in]gGrid structure
[in]param_fileInput parameter structure
csParameter container

Definition at line 94 of file Idealized_Hurricane.F90.

94  type(time_type), &
95  intent(in) :: Time !< Model time
96  type(ocean_grid_type), &
97  intent(in) :: G !< Grid structure
98  type(param_file_type), &
99  intent(in) :: param_file !< Input parameter structure
100  type(idealized_hurricane_CS), &
101  pointer :: CS !< Parameter container
103  real :: DP, C
105 ! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
106 #include "version_variable.h"
108  if (associated(cs)) then
109  call mom_error(fatal, "idealized_hurricane_wind_init called "// &
110  "with an associated control structure.")
111  return
112  endif
114  allocate(cs)
116  cs%pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
117  cs%Deg2Rad = cs%pi/180.
119  ! Read all relevant parameters and write them to the model log.
120  call log_version(param_file, mdl, version, "")
122  ! Parameters for computing a wind profile
123  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_RHO_AIR", cs%rho_a, &
124  "Air density used to compute the idealized hurricane "//&
125  "wind profile.", units='kg/m3', default=1.2)
126  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_AMBIENT_PRESSURE", &
127  cs%pressure_ambient, "Ambient pressure used in the "//&
128  "idealized hurricane wind profile.", units='Pa', &
129  default=101200.)
130  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_CENTRAL_PRESSURE", &
131  cs%pressure_central, "Central pressure used in the "//&
132  "idealized hurricane wind profile.", units='Pa', &
133  default=96800.)
134  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_RAD_MAX_WIND", &
135  cs%rad_max_wind, "Radius of maximum winds used in the "//&
136  "idealized hurricane wind profile.", units='m', &
137  default=50.e3)
138  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_MAX_WIND", cs%max_windspeed, &
139  "Maximum wind speed used in the idealized hurricane"// &
140  "wind profile.", units='m/s', default=65.)
141  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_TRAN_SPEED", cs%hurr_translation_spd, &
142  "Translation speed of hurricane used in the idealized "//&
143  "hurricane wind profile.", units='m/s', default=5.0)
144  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_TRAN_DIR", cs%hurr_translation_dir, &
145  "Translation direction (towards) of hurricane used in the "//&
146  "idealized hurricane wind profile.", units='degrees', &
147  default=180.0)
148  cs%hurr_translation_dir = cs%hurr_translation_dir * cs%Deg2Rad
149  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_X0", cs%Hurr_cen_X0, &
150  "Idealized Hurricane initial X position", &
151  units='m', default=0.)
152  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_Y0", cs%Hurr_cen_Y0, &
153  "Idealized Hurricane initial Y position", &
154  units='m', default=0.)
155  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_TAU_CURR_REL", cs%relative_tau, &
156  "Current relative stress switch "//&
157  "used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.", &
158  units='', default=.false.)
160  ! Parameters for SCM mode
161  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_SCM_BR_BENCH", cs%BR_BENCH, &
162  "Single column mode benchmark case switch, which is "// &
163  "invoking a modification (bug) in the wind profile meant to "//&
164  "reproduce a previous implementation.", units='', default=.false.)
165  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_SCM", cs%SCM_MODE, &
166  "Single Column mode switch "//&
167  "used in the SCM idealized hurricane wind profile.", &
168  units='', default=.false.)
169  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "IDL_HURR_SCM_LOCY", cs%DY_from_center, &
170  "Y distance of station used in the SCM idealized hurricane "//&
171  "wind profile.", units='m', default=50.e3)
173  ! The following parameters are model run-time parameters which are used
174  ! and logged elsewhere and so should not be logged here. The default
175  ! value should be consistent with the rest of the model.
176  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_0", cs%Rho0, &
177  "The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to "//&
178  "calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation "//&
179  "properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some "//&
180  "parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.", &
181  units="kg m-3", default=1035.0, do_not_log=.true.)
182  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "GUST_CONST", cs%gustiness, &
183  "The background gustiness in the winds.", units="Pa", &
184  default=0.00, do_not_log=.true.)
187  if (cs%BR_BENCH) then
188  cs%rho_a = 1.2
189  endif
190  dp = cs%pressure_ambient - cs%pressure_central
191  c = cs%max_windspeed / sqrt( dp )
192  cs%Holland_B = c**2 * cs%rho_a * exp(1.0)
193  cs%Holland_A = (cs%rad_max_wind)**cs%Holland_B
194  cs%Holland_AxBxDP = cs%Holland_A*cs%Holland_B*dp
196  return

◆ idealized_hurricane_wind_profile()

subroutine idealized_hurricane::idealized_hurricane_wind_profile ( type(idealized_hurricane_cs), pointer  CS,
real, intent(in)  absf,
real, intent(in)  YY,
real, intent(in)  XX,
real, intent(in)  UOCN,
real, intent(in)  VOCN,
real, intent(out)  Tx,
real, intent(out)  Ty 

Calculate the wind speed at a location as a function of time.

csContainer for SCM parameters
[in]absfInput coriolis magnitude
[in]yyLocation in m relative to center y
[in]xxLocation in m relative to center x
[in]uocnX surface current
[in]vocnY surface current
[out]txX stress
[out]tyY stress

Definition at line 314 of file Idealized_Hurricane.F90.

314  ! Author: Brandon Reichl
315  ! Date: Nov-20-2014
316  ! Aug-14-2018 Generalized for non-SCM configuration
318  ! Input parameters
319  type(idealized_hurricane_CS), &
320  pointer :: CS !< Container for SCM parameters
321  real, intent(in) :: absf !<Input coriolis magnitude
322  real, intent(in) :: YY !< Location in m relative to center y
323  real, intent(in) :: XX !< Location in m relative to center x
324  real, intent(in) :: UOCN !< X surface current
325  real, intent(in) :: VOCN !< Y surface current
326  real, intent(out) :: Tx !< X stress
327  real, intent(out) :: Ty !< Y stress
329  ! Local variables
331  ! Wind profile terms
332  real :: U10
333  real :: radius
334  real :: radius10
335  real :: radius_km
336  real :: radiusB
337  real :: fcor
338  real :: du10
339  real :: du
340  real :: dv
341  real :: CD
343  !Wind angle variables
344  real :: Alph !< The resulting inflow angle (positive outward)
345  real :: Rstr
346  real :: A0
347  real :: A1
348  real :: P1
349  real :: Adir
350  real :: V_TS
351  real :: U_TS
353  ! Implementing Holland (1980) parameteric wind profile
355  radius = sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2)
357  !/ BGR
358  ! rkm - r converted to km for Holland prof.
359  ! used in km due to error, correct implementation should
360  ! not need rkm, but to match winds w/ experiment this must
361  ! be maintained. Causes winds far from storm center to be a
362  ! couple of m/s higher than the correct Holland prof.
363  if (cs%BR_Bench) then
364  radius_km = radius/1000.
365  else
366  ! if not comparing to benchmark, then use correct Holland prof.
367  radius_km = radius
368  endif
369  radiusb = (radius)**cs%Holland_B
371  !/
372  ! Calculate U10 in the interior (inside of 10x radius of maximum wind),
373  ! while adjusting U10 to 0 outside of 12x radius of maximum wind.
374  if ( (radius/cs%rad_max_wind .gt. 0.001) .and. &
375  (radius/cs%rad_max_wind .lt. 10.) ) then
376  u10 = sqrt(cs%Holland_AxBxDP*exp(-cs%Holland_A/radiusb)/(cs%rho_A*radiusb)&
377  +0.25*(radius_km*absf)**2) - 0.5*radius_km*absf
378  elseif ( (radius/cs%rad_max_wind .gt. 10.) .and. &
379  (radius/cs%rad_max_wind .lt. 15.) ) then
381  radius10 = cs%rad_max_wind*10.
383  if (cs%BR_Bench) then
384  radius_km = radius10/1000.
385  else
386  radius_km = radius10
387  endif
388  radiusb=radius10**cs%Holland_B
390  u10 = (sqrt(cs%Holland_AxBxDp*exp(-cs%Holland_A/radiusb)/(cs%rho_A*radiusb)&
391  +0.25*(radius_km*absf)**2)-0.5*radius_km*absf) &
392  * (15.-radius/cs%rad_max_wind)/5.
393  else
394  u10 = 0.
395  endif
396  adir = atan2(yy,xx)
397  !\
399  ! Wind angle model following Zhang and Ulhorn (2012)
400  ! ALPH is inflow angle positive outward.
401  rstr = min(10.,radius / cs%rad_max_wind)
402  a0 = -0.9*rstr - 0.09*cs%max_windspeed - 14.33
403  a1 = -a0*(0.04*rstr + 0.05*cs%Hurr_translation_spd + 0.14)
404  p1 = (6.88*rstr - 9.60*cs%Hurr_translation_spd + 85.31) * cs%Deg2Rad
405  alph = a0 - a1*cos(cs%hurr_translation_dir-adir-p1)
406  if ( (radius/ .and.&
407  (radius/ ) then
408  alph = alph*(15.0-radius/cs%rad_max_wind)/5.
409  elseif (radius/ then
410  alph = 0.0
411  endif
412  alph = alph * cs%Deg2Rad
414  ! Calculate translation speed components
415  u_ts = cs%hurr_translation_spd/2.*cos(cs%hurr_translation_dir)
416  v_ts = cs%hurr_translation_spd/2.*sin(cs%hurr_translation_dir)
418  ! Set output (relative) winds
419  du = u10*sin(adir-cs%Pi-alph) - uocn + u_ts
420  dv = u10*cos(adir-alph) - vocn + v_ts
422  ! Use a simple drag coefficient as a function of U10 (from Sullivan et al., 2010)
423  du10 = sqrt(du**2+dv**2)
424  if ( then
425  cd = 1.2e-3
426  elseif ( then
427  cd = (0.49 + 0.065*u10)*1.e-3
428  else
429  cd = 1.8e-3
430  endif
432  ! Compute stress vector
433  tx = cs%rho_A * cd * sqrt(du**2 + dv**2) * du
434  ty = cs%rho_A * cd * sqrt(du**2 + dv**2) * dv
436  return

◆ scm_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing()

subroutine, public idealized_hurricane::scm_idealized_hurricane_wind_forcing ( type(surface), intent(in)  state,
type(mech_forcing), intent(inout)  forces,
type(time_type), intent(in)  day,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout)  G,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
type(idealized_hurricane_cs), pointer  CS 

This subroutine is primarily needed as a legacy for reproducing answers. It is included as an additional subroutine rather than padded into the previous routine with flags to ease its eventual removal. Its functionality is replaced with the new routines and it can be deleted when answer changes are acceptable.

[in]stateSurface state structure
[in,out]forcesA structure with the driving mechanical forces
[in]dayTime in days
[in,out]gGrid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
csContainer for SCM parameters

Definition at line 444 of file Idealized_Hurricane.F90.

444  type(surface), intent(in) :: state !< Surface state structure
445  type(mech_forcing), intent(inout) :: forces !< A structure with the driving mechanical forces
446  type(time_type), intent(in) :: day !< Time in days
447  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid structure
448  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
449  type(idealized_hurricane_CS), pointer :: CS !< Container for SCM parameters
450  ! Local variables
451  integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, Isq, Ieq, Jsq, Jeq
452  integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB
453  real :: pie, Deg2Rad
454  real :: U10, A, B, C, r, f, du10, rkm ! For wind profile expression
455  real :: xx, t0 !for location
456  real :: dp, rB
457  real :: Cd ! Air-sea drag coefficient
458  real :: Uocn, Vocn ! Surface ocean velocity components
459  real :: dU, dV ! Air-sea differential motion
460  !Wind angle variables
461  real :: Alph,Rstr, A0, A1, P1, Adir, transdir, V_TS, U_TS
462  logical :: BR_Bench
463  ! Bounds for loops and memory allocation
464  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec
465  isq = g%IscB ; ieq = g%IecB ; jsq = g%JscB ; jeq = g%JecB
466  isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
467  isdb = g%IsdB ; iedb = g%IedB ; jsdb = g%JsdB ; jedb = g%JedB
469  ! Allocate the forcing arrays, if necessary.
471  call allocate_mech_forcing(g, forces, stress=.true., ustar=.true.)
472  pie = 4.0*atan(1.0) ; deg2rad = pie/180.
473  !/ BR
474  ! Implementing Holland (1980) parameteric wind profile
475  !------------------------------------------------------|
476  br_bench = .true. !true if comparing to LES runs |
477  t0 = 129600. !TC 'eye' crosses (0,0) at 36 hours|
478  transdir = pie !translation direction (-x) |
479  !------------------------------------------------------|
480  dp = cs%pressure_ambient - cs%pressure_central
481  c = cs%max_windspeed / sqrt( dp )
482  b = c**2 * cs%rho_a * exp(1.0)
483  if (br_bench) then
484  ! rho_a reset to value used in generated wind for benchmark test
485  b = c**2 * 1.2 * exp(1.0)
486  endif
487  a = (cs%rad_max_wind/1000.)**b
488  f = us%s_to_T*g%CoriolisBu(is,js) ! f=f(x,y) but in the SCM is constant
489  if (br_bench) then
490  ! f reset to value used in generated wind for benchmark test
491  f = 5.5659e-05 !### A constant value in s-1.
492  endif
493  !/ BR
494  ! Calculate x position as a function of time.
495  xx = ( t0 - time_type_to_real(day)) * cs%hurr_translation_spd * cos(transdir)
496  r = sqrt(xx**2 + cs%DY_from_center**2)
497  !/ BR
498  ! rkm - r converted to km for Holland prof.
499  ! used in km due to error, correct implementation should
500  ! not need rkm, but to match winds w/ experiment this must
501  ! be maintained. Causes winds far from storm center to be a
502  ! couple of m/s higher than the correct Holland prof.
503  if (br_bench) then
504  rkm = r/1000.
505  rb = (rkm)**b
506  else
507  ! if not comparing to benchmark, then use correct Holland prof.
508  rkm = r
509  rb = r**b
510  endif
511  !/ BR
512  ! Calculate U10 in the interior (inside of 10x radius of maximum wind),
513  ! while adjusting U10 to 0 outside of 12x radius of maximum wind.
514  ! Note that rho_a is set to 1.2 following generated wind for experiment
515  if (r/cs%rad_max_wind > 0.001 .AND. r/cs%rad_max_wind < 10.) then
516  u10 = sqrt( a*b*dp*exp(-a/rb)/(1.2*rb) + 0.25*(rkm*f)**2 ) - 0.5*rkm*f
517  elseif (r/cs%rad_max_wind > 10. .AND. r/cs%rad_max_wind < 12.) then
518  r=cs%rad_max_wind*10.
519  if (br_bench) then
520  rkm = r/1000.
521  rb=rkm**b
522  else
523  rkm = r
524  rb = r**b
525  endif
526  u10 = ( sqrt( a*b*dp*exp(-a/rb)/(1.2*rb) + 0.25*(rkm*f)**2 ) - 0.5*rkm*f) &
527  * (12. - r/cs%rad_max_wind)/2.
528  else
529  u10 = 0.
530  endif
531  adir = atan2(cs%DY_from_center,xx)
533  !/ BR
534  ! Wind angle model following Zhang and Ulhorn (2012)
535  ! ALPH is inflow angle positive outward.
536  rstr = min(10.,r / cs%rad_max_wind)
537  a0 = -0.9*rstr -0.09*cs%max_windspeed - 14.33
538  a1 = -a0 *(0.04*rstr +0.05*cs%hurr_translation_spd+0.14)
539  p1 = (6.88*rstr -9.60*cs%hurr_translation_spd+85.31)*pie/180.
540  alph = a0 - a1*cos( (transdir - adir ) - p1)
541  if (r/cs%rad_max_wind > 10. .AND. r/cs%rad_max_wind < 12.) then
542  alph = alph* (12. - r/cs%rad_max_wind)/2.
543  elseif (r/cs%rad_max_wind > 12.) then
544  alph = 0.0
545  endif
546  alph = alph * deg2rad
547  !/BR
548  ! Prepare for wind calculation
549  ! X_TS is component of translation speed added to wind vector
550  ! due to background steering wind.
551  u_ts = cs%hurr_translation_spd/2.*cos(transdir)
552  v_ts = cs%hurr_translation_spd/2.*sin(transdir)
554  ! Set the surface wind stresses, in [Pa]. A positive taux
555  ! accelerates the ocean to the (pseudo-)east.
556  ! The i-loop extends to is-1 so that taux can be used later in the
557  ! calculation of ustar - otherwise the lower bound would be Isq.
558  do j=js,je ; do i=is-1,ieq
559  !/BR
560  ! Turn off surface current for stress calculation to be
561  ! consistent with test case.
562  uocn = 0.!state%u(I,j)
563  vocn = 0.!0.25*( (state%v(i,J) + state%v(i+1,J-1)) &
564  ! +(state%v(i+1,J) + state%v(i,J-1)) )
565  !/BR
566  ! Wind vector calculated from location/direction (sin/cos flipped b/c
567  ! cyclonic wind is 90 deg. phase shifted from position angle).
568  du = u10*sin(adir-pie-alph) - uocn + u_ts
569  dv = u10*cos(adir-alph) - vocn + v_ts
570  !/----------------------------------------------------|
571  !BR
572  ! Add a simple drag coefficient as a function of U10 |
573  !/----------------------------------------------------|
574  du10=sqrt(du**2+dv**2)
575  if (du10 < 11.) then
576  cd = 1.2e-3
577  elseif (du10 < 20.) then
578  cd = (0.49 + 0.065 * u10 )*0.001
579  else
580  cd = 0.0018
581  endif
582  forces%taux(i,j) = cs%rho_a * g%mask2dCu(i,j) * cd*sqrt(du**2+dv**2)*du
583  enddo ; enddo
584  !/BR
585  ! See notes above
586  do j=js-1,jeq ; do i=is,ie
587  uocn = 0.!0.25*( (state%u(I,j) + state%u(I-1,j+1)) &
588  ! +(state%u(I-1,j) + state%u(I,j+1)) )
589  vocn = 0.!state%v(i,J)
590  du = u10*sin(adir-pie-alph) - uocn + u_ts
591  dv = u10*cos(adir-alph) - vocn + v_ts
592  du10=sqrt(du**2+dv**2)
593  if (du10 < 11.) then
594  cd = 1.2e-3
595  elseif (du10 < 20.) then
596  cd = (0.49 + 0.065 * u10 )*0.001
597  else
598  cd = 0.0018
599  endif
600  forces%tauy(i,j) = cs%rho_a * g%mask2dCv(i,j) * cd*du10*dv
601  enddo ; enddo
602  ! Set the surface friction velocity [m s-1]. ustar is always positive.
603  do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
604  ! This expression can be changed if desired, but need not be.
605  forces%ustar(i,j) = us%m_to_Z*us%T_to_s * g%mask2dT(i,j) * sqrt(cs%gustiness/cs%Rho0 + &
606  sqrt(0.5*(forces%taux(i-1,j)**2 + forces%taux(i,j)**2) + &
607  0.5*(forces%tauy(i,j-1)**2 + forces%tauy(i,j)**2))/cs%Rho0)
608  enddo ; enddo
609  return