oil_tracer Module Reference

Detailed Description

A tracer package to mimic dissolved oil.

By Alistair Adcroft and Robert Hallberg, 2010 *

In the midst of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, it became evident that models were needed to predict the long-term fate of dissolved oil in the open ocean. This tracer packages mimics the transport, dilution and decay of dissolved oil plumes in the ocean.

This tracer package was central to the simulations used by Adcroft et al., GRL 2010, to prove that the Deepwater Horizon spill was an important regional event, with implications for dissolved oxygen levels in the Gulf of Mexico, but not one that would directly impact the East Coast of the U.S.

Data Types

type  oil_tracer_cs
 The control structure for the oil tracer package. More...


logical function, public register_oil_tracer (HI, GV, param_file, CS, tr_Reg, restart_CS)
 Register oil tracer fields and subroutines to be used with MOM. More...
subroutine, public initialize_oil_tracer (restart, day, G, GV, US, h, diag, OBC, CS, sponge_CSp)
 Initialize the oil tracers and set up tracer output. More...
subroutine, public oil_tracer_column_physics (h_old, h_new, ea, eb, fluxes, dt, G, GV, CS, tv, evap_CFL_limit, minimum_forcing_depth)
 Apply sources, sinks, diapycnal mixing and rising motions to the oil tracers. More...
integer function, public oil_stock (h, stocks, G, GV, CS, names, units, stock_index)
 Calculate the mass-weighted integral of the oil tracer stocks, returning the number of stocks it has calculated. If the stock_index is present, only the stock corresponding to that coded index is returned. More...
subroutine, public oil_tracer_surface_state (state, h, G, CS)
 This subroutine extracts the surface fields from this tracer package that are to be shared with the atmosphere in coupled configurations. This particular tracer package does not report anything back to the coupler. More...
subroutine, public oil_tracer_end (CS)
 Deallocate memory associated with this tracer package. More...


integer, parameter ntr_max = 20
 the maximum number of tracers in this module.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ initialize_oil_tracer()

subroutine, public oil_tracer::initialize_oil_tracer ( logical, intent(in)  restart,
type(time_type), intent(in), target  day,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  US,
real, dimension( g %isd: g %ied, g %jsd: g %jed, g %ke), intent(in)  h,
type(diag_ctrl), intent(in), target  diag,
type(ocean_obc_type), pointer  OBC,
type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS,
type(sponge_cs), pointer  sponge_CSp 

Initialize the oil tracers and set up tracer output.

[in]restart.true. if the fields have already been read from a restart file.
[in]dayTime of the start of the run.
[in]gThe ocean's grid structure
[in]gvThe ocean's vertical grid structure
[in]usA dimensional unit scaling type
[in]hLayer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[in]diagA structure that is used to regulate diagnostic output.
obcThis open boundary condition type specifies whether, where, and what open boundary conditions are used.
csThe control structure returned by a previous call to register_oil_tracer.
sponge_cspPointer to the control structure for the sponges.

Definition at line 205 of file oil_tracer.F90.

205  logical, intent(in) :: restart !< .true. if the fields have already
206  !! been read from a restart file.
207  type(time_type), target, intent(in) :: day !< Time of the start of the run.
208  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure
209  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure
210  type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
211  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
212  intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
213  type(diag_ctrl), target, intent(in) :: diag !< A structure that is used to regulate
214  !! diagnostic output.
215  type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< This open boundary condition type specifies
216  !! whether, where, and what open boundary
217  !! conditions are used.
218  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
219  !! call to register_oil_tracer.
220  type(sponge_CS), pointer :: sponge_CSp !< Pointer to the control structure for the sponges.
222  ! Local variables
223  character(len=16) :: name ! A variable's name in a NetCDF file.
224  character(len=72) :: longname ! The long name of that variable.
225  character(len=48) :: units ! The dimensions of the variable.
226  character(len=48) :: flux_units ! The units for age tracer fluxes, either
227  ! years m3 s-1 or years kg s-1.
228  logical :: OK
229  integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nz, m
230  integer :: IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB
232  if (.not.associated(cs)) return
233  if (cs%ntr < 1) return
234  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
235  isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
236  isdb = g%IsdB ; iedb = g%IedB ; jsdb = g%JsdB ; jedb = g%JedB
238  ! Establish location of source
239  do j=g%jsdB+1,g%jed ; do i=g%isdB+1,g%ied
240  ! This test for i,j index is specific to a lat/lon (non-rotated grid).
241  ! and needs to be generalized to work properly on the tri-polar grid.
242  if (cs%oil_source_longitude<g%geoLonBu(i,j) .and. &
243  cs%oil_source_longitude>=g%geoLonBu(i-1,j) .and. &
244  cs%oil_source_latitude<g%geoLatBu(i,j) .and. &
245  cs%oil_source_latitude>=g%geoLatBu(i,j-1) ) then
246  cs%oil_source_i=i
247  cs%oil_source_j=j
248  endif
249  enddo ; enddo
251  cs%Time => day
252  cs%diag => diag
254  do m=1,cs%ntr
255  call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=name, caller="initialize_oil_tracer")
256  if ((.not.restart) .or. (cs%oil_may_reinit .and. .not. &
257  query_initialized(cs%tr(:,:,:,m), name, cs%restart_CSp))) then
259  if (len_trim(cs%IC_file) > 0) then
260  ! Read the tracer concentrations from a netcdf file.
261  if (.not.file_exists(cs%IC_file, g%Domain)) &
262  call mom_error(fatal, "initialize_oil_tracer: "// &
263  "Unable to open "//cs%IC_file)
265  if (cs%Z_IC_file) then
266  ok = tracer_z_init(cs%tr(:,:,:,m), h, cs%IC_file, name, &
267  g, us, -1e34, 0.0) ! CS%land_val(m))
268  if (.not.ok) then
269  ok = tracer_z_init(cs%tr(:,:,:,m), h, cs%IC_file, &
270  trim(name), g, us, -1e34, 0.0) ! CS%land_val(m))
271  if (.not.ok) call mom_error(fatal,"initialize_oil_tracer: "//&
272  "Unable to read "//trim(name)//" from "//&
273  trim(cs%IC_file)//".")
274  endif
275  else
276  call mom_read_data(cs%IC_file, trim(name), cs%tr(:,:,:,m), g%Domain)
277  endif
278  else
279  do k=1,nz ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
280  if (g%mask2dT(i,j) < 0.5) then
281  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = cs%land_val(m)
282  else
283  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = cs%IC_val(m)
284  endif
285  enddo ; enddo ; enddo
286  endif
288  endif ! restart
289  enddo ! Tracer loop
291  if (associated(obc)) then
292  ! Put something here...
293  endif

◆ oil_stock()

integer function, public oil_tracer::oil_stock ( real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  h,
real, dimension(:), intent(out)  stocks,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS,
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out)  names,
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out)  units,
integer, intent(in), optional  stock_index 

Calculate the mass-weighted integral of the oil tracer stocks, returning the number of stocks it has calculated. If the stock_index is present, only the stock corresponding to that coded index is returned.

[in]gThe ocean's grid structure
[in]gvThe ocean's vertical grid structure
[in]hLayer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
[out]stocksthe mass-weighted integrated amount of each tracer, in kg times concentration units [kg conc].
csThe control structure returned by a previous call to register_oil_tracer.
[out]namesthe names of the stocks calculated.
[out]unitsthe units of the stocks calculated.
[in]stock_indexthe coded index of a specific stock being sought.
The number of stocks calculated here.

Definition at line 406 of file oil_tracer.F90.

406  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure
407  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure
408  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
409  real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: stocks !< the mass-weighted integrated amount of each
410  !! tracer, in kg times concentration units [kg conc].
411  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
412  !! call to register_oil_tracer.
413  character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out) :: names !< the names of the stocks calculated.
414  character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out) :: units !< the units of the stocks calculated.
415  integer, optional, intent(in) :: stock_index !< the coded index of a specific stock
416  !! being sought.
417  integer :: oil_stock !< The number of stocks calculated here.
419 ! This function calculates the mass-weighted integral of all tracer stocks,
420 ! returning the number of stocks it has calculated. If the stock_index
421 ! is present, only the stock corresponding to that coded index is returned.
423  ! Local variables
424  integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, nz, m
425  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
427  oil_stock = 0
428  if (.not.associated(cs)) return
429  if (cs%ntr < 1) return
431  if (present(stock_index)) then ; if (stock_index > 0) then
432  ! Check whether this stock is available from this routine.
434  ! No stocks from this routine are being checked yet. Return 0.
435  return
436  endif ; endif
438  do m=1,cs%ntr
439  call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=names(m), units=units(m), caller="oil_stock")
440  units(m) = trim(units(m))//" kg"
441  stocks(m) = 0.0
442  do k=1,nz ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
443  stocks(m) = stocks(m) + cs%tr(i,j,k,m) * &
444  (g%mask2dT(i,j) * g%areaT(i,j) * h(i,j,k))
445  enddo ; enddo ; enddo
446  stocks(m) = gv%H_to_kg_m2 * stocks(m)
447  enddo
448  oil_stock = cs%ntr

◆ oil_tracer_column_physics()

subroutine, public oil_tracer::oil_tracer_column_physics ( real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  h_old,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  h_new,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  ea,
real, dimension(szi_(g),szj_(g),szk_(g)), intent(in)  eb,
type(forcing), intent(in)  fluxes,
real, intent(in)  dt,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS,
type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in)  tv,
real, intent(in), optional  evap_CFL_limit,
real, intent(in), optional  minimum_forcing_depth 

Apply sources, sinks, diapycnal mixing and rising motions to the oil tracers.

[in]gThe ocean's grid structure
[in]gvThe ocean's vertical grid structure
[in]h_oldLayer thickness before entrainment [H ~> m or kg m-2].
[in]h_newLayer thickness after entrainment [H ~> m or kg m-2].
[in]eaan array to which the amount of fluid entrained
[in]eban array to which the amount of fluid entrained
[in]fluxesA structure containing pointers to thermodynamic and tracer forcing fields. Unused fields have NULL ptrs.
[in]dtThe amount of time covered by this call [s]
csThe control structure returned by a previous call to register_oil_tracer.
[in]tvA structure pointing to various thermodynamic variables
[in]evap_cfl_limitLimit on the fraction of the water that can be fluxed out of the top layer in a timestep [nondim]
[in]minimum_forcing_depthThe smallest depth over which fluxes can be applied [m]

Definition at line 300 of file oil_tracer.F90.

300  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure
301  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure
302  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
303  intent(in) :: h_old !< Layer thickness before entrainment [H ~> m or kg m-2].
304  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
305  intent(in) :: h_new !< Layer thickness after entrainment [H ~> m or kg m-2].
306  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
307  intent(in) :: ea !< an array to which the amount of fluid entrained
308  !! from the layer above during this call will be
309  !! added [H ~> m or kg m-2].
310  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
311  intent(in) :: eb !< an array to which the amount of fluid entrained
312  !! from the layer below during this call will be
313  !! added [H ~> m or kg m-2].
314  type(forcing), intent(in) :: fluxes !< A structure containing pointers to thermodynamic
315  !! and tracer forcing fields. Unused fields have NULL ptrs.
316  real, intent(in) :: dt !< The amount of time covered by this call [s]
317  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
318  !! call to register_oil_tracer.
319  type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in) :: tv !< A structure pointing to various thermodynamic variables
320  real, optional, intent(in) :: evap_CFL_limit !< Limit on the fraction of the water that can
321  !! be fluxed out of the top layer in a timestep [nondim]
322  real, optional, intent(in) :: minimum_forcing_depth !< The smallest depth over which
323  !! fluxes can be applied [m]
324 ! This subroutine applies diapycnal diffusion and any other column
325 ! tracer physics or chemistry to the tracers from this file.
326 ! This is a simple example of a set of advected passive tracers.
328 ! The arguments to this subroutine are redundant in that
329 ! h_new(k) = h_old(k) + ea(k) - eb(k-1) + eb(k) - ea(k+1)
331  ! Local variables
332  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: h_work ! Used so that h can be modified
333  real :: Isecs_per_year = 1.0 / (365.0*86400.0)
334  real :: year, h_total, ldecay
335  integer :: i, j, k, is, ie, js, je, nz, m, k_max
336  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec ; nz = gv%ke
338  if (.not.associated(cs)) return
339  if (cs%ntr < 1) return
341  if (present(evap_cfl_limit) .and. present(minimum_forcing_depth)) then
342  do m=1,cs%ntr
343  do k=1,nz ;do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
344  h_work(i,j,k) = h_old(i,j,k)
345  enddo ; enddo ; enddo
346  call applytracerboundaryfluxesinout(g, gv, cs%tr(:,:,:,m) , dt, fluxes, h_work, &
347  evap_cfl_limit, minimum_forcing_depth)
348  call tracer_vertdiff(h_work, ea, eb, dt, cs%tr(:,:,:,m), g, gv)
349  enddo
350  else
351  do m=1,cs%ntr
352  call tracer_vertdiff(h_old, ea, eb, dt, cs%tr(:,:,:,m), g, gv)
353  enddo
354  endif
356  year = time_type_to_real(cs%Time) * isecs_per_year
358  ! Decay tracer (limit decay rate to 1/dt - just in case)
359  do m=2,cs%ntr
360  do k=1,nz ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
361  !CS%tr(i,j,k,m) = CS%tr(i,j,k,m) - dt*CS%oil_decay_rate(m)*CS%tr(i,j,k,m) ! Simple
362  !CS%tr(i,j,k,m) = CS%tr(i,j,k,m) - min(dt*CS%oil_decay_rate(m),1.)*CS%tr(i,j,k,m) ! Safer
363  if (cs%oil_decay_rate(m)>0.) then
364  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = g%mask2dT(i,j)*max(1.-dt*cs%oil_decay_rate(m),0.)*cs%tr(i,j,k,m) ! Safest
365  elseif (cs%oil_decay_rate(m)<0.) then
366  ldecay = 12.*(3.0**(-(tv%T(i,j,k)-20.)/10.)) ! Timescale [days]
367  ldecay = 1./(86400.*ldecay) ! Rate [s-1]
368  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = g%mask2dT(i,j)*max(1.-dt*ldecay,0.)*cs%tr(i,j,k,m)
369  endif
370  enddo ; enddo ; enddo
371  enddo
373  ! Add oil at the source location
374  if (year>=cs%oil_start_year .and. year<=cs%oil_end_year .and. &
375  cs%oil_source_i>-999 .and. cs%oil_source_j>-999) then
376  i=cs%oil_source_i ; j=cs%oil_source_j
377  k_max=nz ; h_total=0.
378  do k=nz, 2, -1
379  h_total = h_total + h_new(i,j,k)
380  if (h_total<10.) k_max=k-1 ! Find bottom most interface that is 10 m above bottom
381  enddo
382  do m=1,cs%ntr
383  k=cs%oil_source_k(m)
384  if (k>0) then
385  k=min(k,k_max) ! Only insert k or first layer with interface 10 m above bottom
386  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = cs%tr(i,j,k,m) + cs%oil_source_rate*dt / &
387  ((h_new(i,j,k)+gv%H_subroundoff) * g%areaT(i,j) )
388  elseif (k<0) then
389  h_total=gv%H_subroundoff
390  do k=1, nz
391  h_total = h_total + h_new(i,j,k)
392  enddo
393  do k=1, nz
394  cs%tr(i,j,k,m) = cs%tr(i,j,k,m) + cs%oil_source_rate*dt/(h_total &
395  * g%areaT(i,j) )
396  enddo
397  endif
398  enddo
399  endif

◆ oil_tracer_end()

subroutine, public oil_tracer::oil_tracer_end ( type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS)

Deallocate memory associated with this tracer package.

csThe control structure returned by a previous call to register_oil_tracer.

Definition at line 487 of file oil_tracer.F90.

487  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
488  !! call to register_oil_tracer.
489  integer :: m
491  if (associated(cs)) then
492  if (associated(cs%tr)) deallocate(cs%tr)
493  deallocate(cs)
494  endif

◆ oil_tracer_surface_state()

subroutine, public oil_tracer::oil_tracer_surface_state ( type(surface), intent(inout)  state,
real, dimension( g %isd: g %ied, g %jsd: g %jed, g %ke), intent(in)  h,
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in)  G,
type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS 

This subroutine extracts the surface fields from this tracer package that are to be shared with the atmosphere in coupled configurations. This particular tracer package does not report anything back to the coupler.

[in]gThe ocean's grid structure.
[in,out]stateA structure containing fields that describe the surface state of the ocean.
[in]hLayer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2].
csThe control structure returned by a previous call to register_oil_tracer.

Definition at line 456 of file oil_tracer.F90.

456  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
457  type(surface), intent(inout) :: state !< A structure containing fields that
458  !! describe the surface state of the ocean.
459  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
460  intent(in) :: h !< Layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2].
461  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< The control structure returned by a previous
462  !! call to register_oil_tracer.
464  ! This particular tracer package does not report anything back to the coupler.
465  ! The code that is here is just a rough guide for packages that would.
467  integer :: m, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed
468  is = g%isc ; ie = g%iec ; js = g%jsc ; je = g%jec
469  isd = g%isd ; ied = g%ied ; jsd = g%jsd ; jed = g%jed
471  if (.not.associated(cs)) return
473  if (cs%coupled_tracers) then
474  do m=1,cs%ntr
475  ! This call loads the surface values into the appropriate array in the
476  ! coupler-type structure.
477  call coupler_type_set_data(cs%tr(:,:,1,m), cs%ind_tr(m), ind_csurf, &
478  state%tr_fields, idim=(/isd, is, ie, ied/), &
479  jdim=(/jsd, js, je, jed/) )
480  enddo
481  endif

◆ register_oil_tracer()

logical function, public oil_tracer::register_oil_tracer ( type(hor_index_type), intent(in)  HI,
type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in)  GV,
type(param_file_type), intent(in)  param_file,
type(oil_tracer_cs), pointer  CS,
type(tracer_registry_type), pointer  tr_Reg,
type(mom_restart_cs), pointer  restart_CS 

Register oil tracer fields and subroutines to be used with MOM.

[in]hiA horizontal index type structure
[in]gvThe ocean's vertical grid structure
[in]param_fileA structure to parse for run-time parameters
csA pointer that is set to point to the control structure for this module
tr_regA pointer that is set to point to the control structure for the tracer advection and diffusion module
restart_csA pointer to the restart control structure

Definition at line 78 of file oil_tracer.F90.

78  type(hor_index_type), intent(in) :: HI !< A horizontal index type structure
79  type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure
80  type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< A structure to parse for run-time parameters
81  type(oil_tracer_CS), pointer :: CS !< A pointer that is set to point to the control
82  !! structure for this module
83  type(tracer_registry_type), pointer :: tr_Reg !< A pointer that is set to point to the control
84  !! structure for the tracer advection and
85  !! diffusion module
86  type(MOM_restart_CS), pointer :: restart_CS !< A pointer to the restart control structure
88  ! Local variables
89  character(len=40) :: mdl = "oil_tracer" ! This module's name.
90 ! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
91 #include "version_variable.h"
92  character(len=200) :: inputdir ! The directory where the input files are.
93  character(len=48) :: var_name ! The variable's name.
94  character(len=3) :: name_tag ! String for creating identifying oils
95  character(len=48) :: flux_units ! The units for tracer fluxes, here
96  ! kg(oil) s-1 or kg(oil) m-3 kg(water) s-1.
97  real, pointer :: tr_ptr(:,:,:) => null()
98  logical :: register_oil_tracer
99  integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, nz, m, i, j
100  isd = hi%isd ; ied = hi%ied ; jsd = hi%jsd ; jed = hi%jed ; nz = gv%ke
102  if (associated(cs)) then
103  call mom_error(warning, "register_oil_tracer called with an "// &
104  "associated control structure.")
105  return
106  endif
107  allocate(cs)
109  ! Read all relevant parameters and write them to the model log.
110  call log_version(param_file, mdl, version, "")
111  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_IC_FILE", cs%IC_file, &
112  "The file in which the oil tracer initial values can be "//&
113  "found, or an empty string for internal initialization.", &
114  default=" ")
115  if ((len_trim(cs%IC_file) > 0) .and. (scan(cs%IC_file,'/') == 0)) then
116  ! Add the directory if CS%IC_file is not already a complete path.
117  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "INPUTDIR", inputdir, default=".")
118  cs%IC_file = trim(slasher(inputdir))//trim(cs%IC_file)
119  call log_param(param_file, mdl, "INPUTDIR/CFC_IC_FILE", cs%IC_file)
120  endif
121  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_IC_FILE_IS_Z", cs%Z_IC_file, &
122  "If true, OIL_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space", &
123  default=.false.)
125  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_MAY_REINIT", cs%oil_may_reinit, &
126  "If true, oil tracers may go through the initialization "//&
127  "code if they are not found in the restart files. "//&
128  "Otherwise it is a fatal error if the oil tracers are not "//&
129  "found in the restart files of a restarted run.", &
130  default=.false.)
131  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_SOURCE_LONGITUDE", cs%oil_source_longitude, &
132  "The geographic longitude of the oil source.", units="degrees E", &
133  fail_if_missing=.true.)
134  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_SOURCE_LATITUDE", cs%oil_source_latitude, &
135  "The geographic latitude of the oil source.", units="degrees N", &
136  fail_if_missing=.true.)
137  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_SOURCE_LAYER", cs%oil_source_k, &
138  "The layer into which the oil is introduced, or a "//&
139  "negative number for a vertically uniform source, "//&
140  "or 0 not to use this tracer.", units="Layer", default=0)
141  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_SOURCE_RATE", cs%oil_source_rate, &
142  "The rate of oil injection.", units="kg s-1", default=1.0)
143  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_DECAY_DAYS", cs%oil_decay_days, &
144  "The decay timescale in days (if positive), or no decay "//&
145  "if 0, or use the temperature dependent decay rate of "//&
146  "Adcroft et al. (GRL, 2010) if negative.", units="days", &
147  default=0.0)
148  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_DATED_START_YEAR", cs%oil_start_year, &
149  "The time at which the oil source starts", units="years", &
150  default=0.0)
151  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_DATED_END_YEAR", cs%oil_end_year, &
152  "The time at which the oil source ends", units="years", &
153  default=1.0e99)
155  cs%ntr = 0
156  cs%oil_decay_rate(:) = 0.
157  do m=1,ntr_max
158  if (cs%oil_source_k(m)/=0) then
159  write(name_tag(1:3),'("_",I2.2)') m
160  cs%ntr = cs%ntr + 1
161  cs%tr_desc(m) = var_desc("oil"//trim(name_tag), "kg m-3", "Oil Tracer", caller=mdl)
162  cs%IC_val(m) = 0.0
163  if (cs%oil_decay_days(m)>0.) then
164  cs%oil_decay_rate(m)=1./(86400.0*cs%oil_decay_days(m))
165  elseif (cs%oil_decay_days(m)<0.) then
166  cs%oil_decay_rate(m)=-1.
167  endif
168  endif
169  enddo
170  call log_param(param_file, mdl, "OIL_DECAY_RATE", cs%oil_decay_rate(1:cs%ntr))
172  ! This needs to be changed if the units of tracer are changed above.
173  if (gv%Boussinesq) then ; flux_units = "kg s-1"
174  else ; flux_units = "kg m-3 kg s-1" ; endif
176  allocate(cs%tr(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nz,cs%ntr)) ; cs%tr(:,:,:,:) = 0.0
178  do m=1,cs%ntr
179  ! This is needed to force the compiler not to do a copy in the registration
180  ! calls. Curses on the designers and implementers of Fortran90.
181  tr_ptr => cs%tr(:,:,:,m)
182  call query_vardesc(cs%tr_desc(m), name=var_name, caller="register_oil_tracer")
183  ! Register the tracer for horizontal advection, diffusion, and restarts.
184  call register_tracer(tr_ptr, tr_reg, param_file, hi, gv, tr_desc=cs%tr_desc(m), &
185  registry_diags=.true., flux_units=flux_units, restart_cs=restart_cs, &
186  mandatory=.not.cs%oil_may_reinit)
188  ! Set coupled_tracers to be true (hard-coded above) to provide the surface
189  ! values to the coupler (if any). This is meta-code and its arguments will
190  ! currently (deliberately) give fatal errors if it is used.
191  if (cs%coupled_tracers) &
192  cs%ind_tr(m) = aof_set_coupler_flux(trim(var_name)//'_flux', &
193  flux_type=' ', implementation=' ', caller="register_oil_tracer")
194  enddo
196  cs%tr_Reg => tr_reg
197  cs%restart_CSp => restart_cs
198  register_oil_tracer = .true.