bfb_surface_forcing::bfb_surface_forcing_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

Control structure for BFB_surface_forcing.

Definition at line 26 of file BFB_surface_forcing.F90.

Collaboration diagram for bfb_surface_forcing::bfb_surface_forcing_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical use_temperature
 If true, temperature and salinity are used as state variables.
logical restorebuoy
 If true, use restoring surface buoyancy forcing.
real rho0
 The density used in the Boussinesq approximation [kg m-3].
real g_earth
 The gravitational acceleration [L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> m s-2].
real flux_const
 The restoring rate at the surface [m s-1].
real gust_const
 A constant unresolved background gustiness that contributes to ustar [Pa].
real sst_s
 SST at the southern edge of the linear forcing ramp [degC].
real sst_n
 SST at the northern edge of the linear forcing ramp [degC].
real lfrslat
 Southern latitude where the linear forcing ramp begins [degLat].
real lfrnlat
 Northern latitude where the linear forcing ramp ends [degLat].
real drho_dt
 Rate of change of density with temperature [kg m-3 degC-1]. Note that temperature is being used as a dummy variable here. All temperatures are converted into density.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: