mom_cvmix_kpp::kpp_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

Control structure for containing KPP parameters/data.

Definition at line 68 of file MOM_CVMix_KPP.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_cvmix_kpp::kpp_cs:

Public variables and constants

real ri_crit
 Critical bulk Richardson number (defines OBL depth)
real vonkarman
 von Karman constant (dimensionless)
real cs
 Parameter for computing velocity scale function (dimensionless)
real cs2
 Parameter for multiplying by non-local term.
logical enhance_diffusion
 If True, add enhanced diffusivity at base of boundary layer.
character(len=10) interptype
 Type of interpolation to compute bulk Richardson number.
character(len=10) interptype2
 Type of interpolation to compute diff and visc at OBL_depth.
logical computeekman
 If True, compute Ekman depth limit for OBLdepth.
logical computemoninobukhov
 If True, compute Monin-Obukhov limit for OBLdepth.
logical passivemode
 If True, makes KPP passive meaning it does NOT alter the diffusivity.
real deepobloffset
 If non-zero, is a distance from the bottom that the OBL can not penetrate through [m].
real minobldepth
 If non-zero, is a minimum depth for the OBL [m].
real surf_layer_ext
 Fraction of OBL depth considered in the surface layer [nondim].
real minvtsqr
 Min for the squared unresolved velocity used in Rib CVMix calculation [m2 s-2].
logical fixedobldepth
 If True, will fix the OBL depth at fixedOBLdepth_value.
real fixedobldepth_value
 value for the fixed OBL depth when fixedOBLdepth==True.
logical debug
 If True, calculate checksums and write debugging information.
character(len=30) matchtechnique
 Method used in CVMix for setting diffusivity and NLT profile functions.
integer nlt_shape
 MOM6 over-ride of CVMix NLT shape function.
logical applynonlocaltrans
 If True, apply non-local transport to heat and scalars.
integer n_smooth
 Number of times smoothing operator is applied on OBLdepth.
logical deepen_only
 If true, apply OBLdepth smoothing at a cell only if the OBLdepth gets deeper.
logical kppzerodiffusivity
 If True, will set diffusivity and viscosity from KPP to zero for testing purposes.
logical kppisadditive
 If True, will add KPP diffusivity to initial diffusivity. If False, will replace initial diffusivity wherever KPP diffusivity is non-zero.
real min_thickness
 A minimum thickness used to avoid division by small numbers in the vicinity of vanished layers.
logical correctsurflayeravg
 If true, applies a correction to the averaging of surface layer properties.
real surflayerdepth
 A guess at the depth of the surface layer (which should 0.1 of OBLdepth) [m].
integer sw_method
 Sets method for using shortwave radiation in surface buoyancy flux.
logical lt_k_enhancement
 Flags if enhancing mixing coefficients due to LT.
integer lt_k_shape
 Integer for constant or shape function enhancement.
integer lt_k_method
 Integer for mixing coefficients LT method.
real kpp_k_enh_fac
 Factor to multiply by K if Method is CONSTANT.
logical lt_vt2_enhancement
 Flags if enhancing Vt2 due to LT.
integer lt_vt2_method
 Integer for Vt2 LT method.
real kpp_vt2_enh_fac
 Factor to multiply by VT2 if Method is CONSTANT.
logical stokes_mixing
 Flag if model is mixing down Stokes gradient This is relavent for which current to use in RiB.
type(cvmix_kpp_params_type), pointer kpp_params => NULL()
 CVMix parameters.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 Pointer to diagnostics control structure.
integer id_obldepth = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_bulkri = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_n = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_n2 = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_ws = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_vt2 = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_bulkuz2 = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_bulkdrho = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_ustar = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_buoyflux = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_qminussw = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nets = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_sigma = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_kv_kpp = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_kt_kpp = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_ks_kpp = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_tsurf = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_ssurf = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_usurf = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_vsurf = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_kd_in = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nltt = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nlts = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nlt_dsdt = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nlt_dtdt = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nlt_temp_budget = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_nlt_saln_budget = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_enhk = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_enhvt2 = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_enhw = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_la_sl = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
integer id_obldepth_original = -1
 Diagnostic handles.
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable obldepth
 Depth (positive) of OBL [m].
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable obldepth_original
 Depth (positive) of OBL [m] without smoothing.
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable kobl
 Level (+fraction) of OBL extent.
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable obldepthprev
 previous Depth (positive) of OBL [m]
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable la_sl
 Langmuir number used in KPP.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable drho
 Bulk difference in density [kg m-3].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable uz2
 Square of bulk difference in resolved velocity [m2 s-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable bulkri
 Bulk Richardson number for each layer (dimensionless)
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable sigma
 Sigma coordinate (dimensionless)
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ws
 Turbulent velocity scale for scalars [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable n
 Brunt-Vaisala frequency [s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable n2
 Squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency [s-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vt2
 Unresolved squared turbulence velocity for bulk Ri [m2 s-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable kt_kpp
 Temp diffusivity from KPP [m2 s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ks_kpp
 Scalar diffusivity from KPP [m2 s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable kv_kpp
 Viscosity due to KPP [m2 s-1].
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable tsurf
 Temperature of surface layer [degC].
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable ssurf
 Salinity of surface layer [ppt].
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable usurf
 i-velocity of surface layer [m s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable vsurf
 j-velocity of surface layer [m s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable enhk
 Enhancement for mixing coefficient.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable enhvt2
 Enhancement for Vt2.

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