mom_diag_mediator::axes_grp Type Reference

Detailed Description

A group of 1D axes that comprise a 1D/2D/3D mesh.

Definition at line 96 of file MOM_diag_mediator.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_diag_mediator::axes_grp:

Public variables and constants

character(len=15) id
 The id string for this particular combination of handles.
integer rank
 Number of dimensions in the list of axes.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable handles
 Handles to 1D axes.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag_cs => null()
 Circular link back to the main diagnostics control structure (Used to avoid passing said structure into every possible call).
character(len=9) x_cell_method = ''
 Default nature of data representation, if axes group includes x-direction.
character(len=9) y_cell_method = ''
 Default nature of data representation, if axes group includes y-direction.
character(len=9) v_cell_method = ''
 Default nature of data representation, if axes group includes vertical direction.
integer nz = 0
 Vertical dimension of diagnostic.
integer vertical_coordinate_number = 0
 Index of the corresponding diag_remap_ctrl for this axis group.
logical is_h_point = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for an h-point located field.
logical is_q_point = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a q-point located field.
logical is_u_point = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a u-point located field.
logical is_v_point = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a v-point located field.
logical is_layer = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a layer vertically-located field.
logical is_interface = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for an interface vertically-located field.
logical is_native = .true.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a native model grid. False for any other grid. Used for rank>2.
logical needs_remapping = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a intensive layer-located field that must be remapped to these axes. Used for rank>2.
logical needs_interpolating = .false.
 If true, indicates that this axes group is for a sampled interface-located field that must be interpolated to these axes. Used for rank>2.
integer downsample_level = 1
 If greater than 1, the factor by which this diagnostic/axes/masks be downsampled.
type(axes_grp), pointer xyave_axes => null()
 The associated 1d axes for horizontall area-averaged diagnostics.
integer id_area = -1
 The diag_manager id for area to be used for cell_measure of variables with this axes_grp.
integer id_volume = -1
 The diag_manager id for volume to be used for cell_measure of variables with this axes_grp.
real, dimension(:,:), pointer mask2d => null()
 Mask for 2d (x-y) axes.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer mask3d => null()
 Mask for 3d axes.
type(diag_dsamp), dimension(2:2) dsamp
 Downsample container.

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