mom_io::vardesc Type Reference

Detailed Description

Type for describing a variable, typically a tracer.

Definition at line 53 of file MOM_io.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_io::vardesc:

Public variables and constants

character(len=64) name
 Variable name in a NetCDF file.
character(len=48) units
 Physical dimensions of the variable.
character(len=240) longname
 Long name of the variable.
character(len=8) hor_grid
 Horizontal grid: u, v, h, q, Cu, Cv, T, Bu, or 1.
character(len=8) z_grid
 Vertical grid: L, i, or 1.
character(len=8) t_grid
 Time description: s, p, or 1.
character(len=64) cmor_field_name
 CMOR name.
character(len=64) cmor_units
 CMOR physical dimensions of the variable.
character(len=240) cmor_longname
 CMOR long name of the variable.
real conversion
 for unit conversions, such as needed to convert from intensive to extensive

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: