mom_neutral_diffusion::neutral_diffusion_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

The control structure for the MOM_neutral_diffusion module.

Definition at line 39 of file MOM_neutral_diffusion.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_neutral_diffusion::neutral_diffusion_cs:

Public variables and constants

integer nkp1
 Number of interfaces for a column = nk + 1.
integer nsurf
 Number of neutral surfaces.
integer deg = 2
 Degree of polynomial used for reconstructions.
logical continuous_reconstruction = .true.
 True if using continuous PPM reconstruction at interfaces.
logical refine_position = .false.
 If true, iterate to refine the corresponding positions in neighboring columns.
logical debug = .false.
 If true, write verbose debugging messages.
integer max_iter
 Maximum number of iterations if refine_position is defined.
real tolerance
 Convergence criterion representing difference from true neutrality.
real ref_pres
 Reference pressure, negative if using locally referenced neutral density.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable upol
 Non-dimensional position with left layer uKoL-1, u-point.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable upor
 Non-dimensional position with right layer uKoR-1, u-point.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ukol
 Index of left interface corresponding to neutral surface, at a u-point.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ukor
 Index of right interface corresponding to neutral surface, at a u-point.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable uheff
 Effective thickness at u-point [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vpol
 Non-dimensional position with left layer uKoL-1, v-point.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vpor
 Non-dimensional position with right layer uKoR-1, v-point.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vkol
 Index of left interface corresponding to neutral surface, at a v-point.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vkor
 Index of right interface corresponding to neutral surface, at a v-point.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vheff
 Effective thickness at v-point [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable ppoly_coeffs_t
 Polynomial coefficients for temperature.
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable ppoly_coeffs_s
 Polynomial coefficients for salinity.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable drdt
 dRho/dT [kg m-3 degC-1] at interfaces
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable drds
 dRho/dS [kg m-3 ppt-1] at interfaces
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable tint
 Interface T [degC].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable sint
 Interface S [ppt].
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable pint
 Interface pressure [Pa].
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable t_i
 Top edge reconstruction of temperature [degC].
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable s_i
 Top edge reconstruction of salinity [ppt].
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable drdt_i
 dRho/dT [kg m-3 degC-1] at top edge
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable drds_i
 dRho/dS [kg m-3 ppt-1] at top edge
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable ns
 Number of interfacs in a column.
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable stable_cell
 True if the cell is stably stratified wrt to the next cell.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.
integer id_uheff_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_vheff_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
real c_p
 heat capacity of seawater (J kg-1 K-1)
type(eos_type), pointer eos
 Equation of state parameters.
type(remapping_cs) remap_cs
 Remapping control structure used to create sublayers.
type(ndiff_aux_cs_type), pointer ndiff_aux_cs
 Store parameters for iteratively finding neutral surface.

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