mom_neutral_diffusion_aux::ndiff_aux_cs_type Type Reference

Detailed Description

The control structure for this module.

Definition at line 24 of file MOM_neutral_diffusion_aux.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_neutral_diffusion_aux::ndiff_aux_cs_type:

Public variables and constants

integer nterm
 Number of terms in polynomial (deg+1)
integer max_iter
 Maximum number of iterations.
real drho_tol
 Tolerance criterion for difference in density [kg m-3].
real xtol
 Criterion for how much position changes [nondim].
real ref_pres
 Determines whether a constant reference pressure is used everywhere or locally referenced density is done. ref_pres <-1 is the latter, ref_pres >= 0. otherwise.
logical force_brent = .false.
 Use Brent's method instead of Newton even when second derivatives are available.
logical debug
 If true, write verbose debugging messages and checksusm.
type(eos_type), pointer eos
 Pointer to equation of state used in the model.

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