mom_open_boundary::obc_segment_type Type Reference

Detailed Description

Open boundary segment data structure.

Definition at line 107 of file MOM_open_boundary.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_open_boundary::obc_segment_type:

Public variables and constants

logical flather
 If true, applies Flather + Chapman radiation of barotropic gravity waves.
logical radiation
 If true, 1D Orlanksi radiation boundary conditions are applied. If False, a gradient condition is applied.
logical radiation_tan
 If true, 1D Orlanksi radiation boundary conditions are applied to tangential flows.
logical radiation_grad
 If true, 1D Orlanksi radiation boundary conditions are applied to dudv and dvdx.
logical oblique
 Oblique waves supported at radiation boundary.
logical oblique_tan
 If true, 2D radiation boundary conditions are applied to tangential flows.
logical oblique_grad
 If true, 2D radiation boundary conditions are applied to dudv and dvdx.
logical nudged
 Optional supplement to radiation boundary.
logical nudged_tan
 Optional supplement to nudge tangential velocity.
logical nudged_grad
 Optional supplement to nudge normal gradient of tangential velocity.
logical specified
 Boundary normal velocity fixed to external value.
logical specified_tan
 Boundary tangential velocity fixed to external value.
logical open
 Boundary is open for continuity solver.
logical gradient
 Zero gradient at boundary.
logical values_needed
 Whether or not external OBC fields are needed.
integer direction
 Boundary faces one of the four directions.
logical is_n_or_s
 True is the OB is facing North or South and exists on this PE.
logical is_e_or_w
 True is the OB is facing East or West and exists on this PE.
type(obc_segment_data_type), dimension(:), pointer field =>NULL()
 OBC data.
integer num_fields
 number of OBC data fields (e.g. u_normal,u_parallel and eta for Flather)
character(len=32), dimension(:), pointer field_names =>NULL()
 field names for this segment
integer is_obc
 i-indices of boundary segment.
integer ie_obc
 i-indices of boundary segment.
integer js_obc
 j-indices of boundary segment.
integer je_obc
 j-indices of boundary segment.
real velocity_nudging_timescale_in
 Nudging timescale on inflow [s].
real velocity_nudging_timescale_out
 Nudging timescale on outflow [s].
logical on_pe
 true if segment is located in the computational domain
logical temp_segment_data_exists
 true if temperature data arrays are present
logical salt_segment_data_exists
 true if salinity data arrays are present
real, dimension(:,:), pointer cg =>NULL()
 The external gravity wave speed [m s-1] at OBC-points.
real, dimension(:,:), pointer htot =>NULL()
 The total column thickness [m] at OBC-points.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer h =>NULL()
 The cell thickness [m] at OBC-points.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer normal_vel =>NULL()
 The layer velocity normal to the OB segment [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer tangential_vel =>NULL()
 The layer velocity tangential to the OB segment [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer tangential_grad =>NULL()
 The gradient of the velocity tangential to the OB segment [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer normal_trans =>NULL()
 The layer transport normal to the OB segment [m3 s-1].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer normal_vel_bt =>NULL()
 The barotropic velocity normal to the OB segment [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer eta =>NULL()
 The sea-surface elevation along the segment [m].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer grad_normal =>NULL()
 The gradient of the normal flow along the segment [s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer grad_tan =>NULL()
 The gradient of the tangential flow along the segment [s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer grad_gradient =>NULL()
 The gradient of the gradient of tangential flow along the segment [m-1 s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer rx_normal =>NULL()
 The rx_old_u value for radiation coeff for normal velocity.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer ry_normal =>NULL()
 The tangential value for radiation coeff for normal velocity.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer cff_normal =>NULL()
 The denominator for oblique radiation for normal velocity.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer nudged_normal_vel =>NULL()
 The layer velocity normal to the OB segment that values should be nudged towards [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer nudged_tangential_vel =>NULL()
 The layer velocity tangential to the OB segment that values should be nudged towards [m s-1].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer nudged_tangential_grad =>NULL()
 The layer dvdx or dudy towards which nudging can occur [s-1].
type(segment_tracer_registry_type), pointer tr_reg => NULL()
 A pointer to the tracer registry for the segment.
type(hor_index_type) hi
 Horizontal index ranges.
real tr_invlscale3_out
 An effective inverse length scale cubed [m-3].
real tr_invlscale3_in
 for restoring the tracer concentration in a ficticious reservior towards interior values when flow is exiting the domain, or towards an externally imposed value when flow is entering

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