mom_regularize_layers::regularize_layers_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

This control structure holds parameters used by the MOM_regularize_layers module.

Definition at line 25 of file MOM_regularize_layers.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_regularize_layers::regularize_layers_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical regularize_surface_layers
 If true, vertically restructure the near-surface layers when they have too much lateral variations to allow for sensible lateral barotropic transports.
logical reg_sfc_detrain
 If true, allow the buffer layers to detrain into the interior as a part of the restructuring when regularize_surface_layers is true.
real h_def_tol1
 The value of the relative thickness deficit at which to start modifying the structure, 0.5 by default (or a thickness ratio of 5.83).
real h_def_tol2
 The value of the relative thickness deficit at which to the structure modification is in full force, now 20% of the way from h_def_tol1 to 1.
real h_def_tol3
 The value of the relative thickness deficit at which to start detrainment from the buffer layers to the interior, now 30% of the way from h_def_tol1 to 1.
real h_def_tol4
 The value of the relative thickness deficit at which to do detrainment from the buffer layers to the interior at full force, now 50% of the way from h_def_tol1 to 1.
real hmix_min
 The minimum mixed layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2].
type(time_type), pointer time => NULL()
 A pointer to the ocean model's clock.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 A structure that is used to regulate the timing of diagnostic output.
logical debug
 If true, do more thorough checks for debugging purposes.
integer id_def_rat = -1
 A diagnostic ID.
logical allow_clocks_in_omp_loops
 If true, clocks can be called from inside loops that can be threaded. To run with multiple threads, set to False.
integer id_def_rat_2 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_3 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_e1 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_e2 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_e3 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u_1b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v_1b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u_2 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u_2b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v_2 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v_2b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u_3 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_u_3b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v_3 = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_def_rat_v_3b = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.

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