mom_thickness_diffuse::thickness_diffuse_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

Control structure for thickness diffusion.

Definition at line 37 of file MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_thickness_diffuse::thickness_diffuse_cs:

Public variables and constants

real khth
 Background interface depth diffusivity [m2 s-1].
real khth_slope_cff
 Slope dependence coefficient of Khth [m2 s-1].
real max_khth_cfl
 Maximum value of the diffusive CFL for thickness diffusion.
real khth_min
 Minimum value of Khth [m2 s-1].
real khth_max
 Maximum value of Khth [m2 s-1], or 0 for no max.
real slope_max
 Slopes steeper than slope_max are limited in some way [nondim].
real kappa_smooth
 Vertical diffusivity used to interpolate more sensible values of T & S into thin layers [Z2 s-1 ~> m2 s-1].
logical thickness_diffuse
 If true, interfaces heights are diffused.
logical use_fgnv_streamfn
 If true, use the streamfunction formulation of Ferrari et al., 2010, which effectively emphasizes graver vertical modes by smoothing in the vertical.
real fgnv_scale
 A coefficient scaling the vertical smoothing term in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation [nondim].
real fgnv_c_min
 A minimum wave speed used in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation [m s-1].
real n2_floor
 A floor for Brunt-Vasaila frequency in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation [s-2].
logical detangle_interfaces
 If true, add 3-d structured interface height diffusivities to horizontally smooth jagged layers.
real detangle_time
 If detangle_interfaces is true, this is the timescale over which maximally jagged grid-scale thickness variations are suppressed [s]. This must be longer than DT, or 0 (the default) to use DT.
integer nkml
 number of layers within mixed layer
logical debug
 write verbose checksums for debugging purposes
logical use_gme_thickness_diffuse
 If true, passes GM coefficients to MOM_hor_visc for use with GME closure.
logical meke_geometric
 If true, uses the GM coefficient formulation from the GEOMETRIC framework (Marshall et al., 2012)
real meke_geometric_alpha
 The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of the GEOMETRIC thickness difussion [nondim].
real meke_geometric_epsilon
 Minimum Eady growth rate for the GEOMETRIC thickness diffusivity [s-1].
logical use_kh_in_meke
 If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE.
logical gm_src_alt
 If true, use the GM energy conversion form S^2*N^2*kappa rather than the streamfunction for the GM source term.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 structure used to regulate timing of diagnostics
real, dimension(:,:), pointer gmwork => NULL()
 Work by thickness diffusivity [W m-2].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer diagslopex => NULL()
 Diagnostic: zonal neutral slope [nondim].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer diagslopey => NULL()
 Diagnostic: zonal neutral slope [nondim].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer kh_u_gme => NULL()
 interface height diffusivities in u-columns (m2 s-1)
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer kh_v_gme => NULL()
 interface height diffusivities in v-columns (m2 s-1)
integer id_uhgm = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_vhgm = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_gmwork = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_u = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_v = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_t = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_u1 = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_v1 = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_kh_t1 = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_slope_x = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_slope_y = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_sfn_unlim_x = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_sfn_unlim_y = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_sfn_x = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.
integer id_sfn_y = -1
 Diagnostic identifier.

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