mom_tidal_forcing::tidal_forcing_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

The control structure for the MOM_tidal_forcing module.

Definition at line 26 of file MOM_tidal_forcing.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_tidal_forcing::tidal_forcing_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical use_sal_scalar
 If true, use the scalar approximation when calculating self-attraction and loading.
logical tidal_sal_from_file
 If true, Read the tidal self-attraction and loading from input files, specified by TIDAL_INPUT_FILE.
logical use_prev_tides
 If true, use the SAL from the previous iteration of the tides to facilitate convergence.
real sal_scalar
 The constant of proportionality between sea surface height (really it should be bottom pressure) anomalies and bottom geopotential anomalies.
integer nc
 The number of tidal constituents in use.
real, dimension(max_constituentsfreq
 The frequency of a tidal constituent [s-1].
real, dimension(max_constituentsphase0
 The phase of a tidal constituent at time 0, in radians.
real, dimension(max_constituentsamp
 The amplitude of a tidal constituent at time 0 [m].
real, dimension(max_constituentslove_no
 The Love number of a tidal constituent at time 0 [nondim].
integer, dimension(max_constituentsstruct
 An encoded spatial structure for each constituent.
character(len=16), dimension(max_constituentsconst_name
 The name of each constituent.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer sin_struct => NULL()
 The sine and cosine based structures that can.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer cos_struct => NULL()
 be associated with the astronomical forcing.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer cosphasesal => NULL()
 The cosine and sine of the phase of the.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer sinphasesal => NULL()
 self-attraction and loading amphidromes.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer ampsal => NULL()
 The amplitude of the SAL [m].
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer cosphase_prev => NULL()
 The cosine and sine of the phase of the.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer sinphase_prev => NULL()
 amphidromes in the previous tidal solutions.
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer amp_prev => NULL()
 The amplitude of the previous tidal solution [m].

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