mom_tidal_mixing::tidal_mixing_cs Type Reference

Detailed Description

Control structure with parameters for the tidal mixing module.

Definition at line 71 of file MOM_tidal_mixing.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_tidal_mixing::tidal_mixing_cs:

Public variables and constants

logical debug = .true.
 If true, do more extensive debugging checks. This is hard-coded.
logical int_tide_dissipation = .false.
 Internal tide conversion (from barotropic) with the schemes of St Laurent et al (2002) & Simmons et al (2004)
integer int_tide_profile
 A coded integer indicating the vertical profile for dissipation of the internal waves. Schemes that are currently encoded are St Laurent et al (2002) and Polzin (2009).
logical lee_wave_dissipation = .false.
 Enable lee-wave driven mixing, following Nikurashin (2010), with a vertical energy deposition profile specified by Lee_wave_profile to be St Laurent et al (2002) or Simmons et al (2004) scheme.
integer lee_wave_profile
 A coded integer indicating the vertical profile for dissipation of the lee waves. Schemes that are currently encoded are St Laurent et al (2002) and Polzin (2009).
real int_tide_decay_scale
 decay scale for internal wave TKE [Z ~> m].
real mu_itides
 efficiency for conversion of dissipation to potential energy [nondim]
real gamma_itides
 fraction of local dissipation [nondim]
real gamma_lee
 fraction of local dissipation for lee waves (Nikurashin's energy input) [nondim]
real decay_scale_factor_lee
 Scaling factor for the decay scale of lee wave energy dissipation [nondim].
real min_zbot_itides
 minimum depth for internal tide conversion [Z ~> m].
logical lowmode_itidal_dissipation = .false.
 If true, consider mixing due to breaking low modes that have been remotely generated using an internal tidal dissipation scheme to specify the vertical profile of the energy input to drive diapycnal mixing, along the lines of St. Laurent et al. (2002) and Simmons et al. (2004).
real nu_polzin
 The non-dimensional constant used in Polzin form of the vertical scale of decay of tidal dissipation.
real nbotref_polzin
 Reference value for the buoyancy frequency at the ocean bottom used in Polzin formulation of the vertical scale of decay of tidal dissipation [T-1 ~> s-1].
real polzin_decay_scale_factor
 Scaling factor for the decay length scale of the tidal dissipation profile in Polzin [nondim].
real polzin_decay_scale_max_factor
 The decay length scale of tidal dissipation profile in Polzin formulation should not exceed Polzin_decay_scale_max_factor * depth of the ocean [nondim].
real polzin_min_decay_scale
 minimum decay scale of the tidal dissipation profile in Polzin formulation [Z ~> m].
real tke_itide_max
 maximum internal tide conversion [kg Z3 m-3 T-3 ~> W m-2] available to mix above the BBL
real utide
 constant tidal amplitude [Z T-1 ~> m s-1] if READ_TIDEAMP is false.
real kappa_itides
 topographic wavenumber and non-dimensional scaling [Z-1 ~> m-1].
real kappa_h2_factor
 factor for the product of wavenumber * rms sgs height
character(len=200) inputdir
 The directory in which to find input files.
logical use_cvmix_tidal = .false.
 true if CVMix is to be used for determining diffusivity due to tidal mixing
real min_thickness
 Minimum thickness allowed [m].
integer cvmix_tidal_scheme = -1
 1 for Simmons, 2 for Schmittner
type(cvmix_tidal_params_type) cvmix_tidal_params
 A CVMix-specific type with parameters for tidal mixing.
type(cvmix_global_params_type) cvmix_glb_params
 CVMix-specific for Prandtl number only.
real tidal_max_coef
 CVMix-specific maximum allowable tidal diffusivity. [m^2/s].
real tidal_diss_lim_tc
 CVMix-specific dissipation limit depth for tidal-energy-constituent data [Z ~> m].
type(remapping_cs) remap_cs
 The control structure for remapping.
real, dimension(:,:), pointer tke_niku => NULL()
 Lee wave driven Turbulent Kinetic Energy input [kg Z3 m-3 T-3 ~> W m-2].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer tke_itidal => NULL()
 The internal Turbulent Kinetic Energy input divided by the bottom stratfication [kg Z3 m-3 T-2 ~> J m-2].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer nb => NULL()
 The near bottom buoyancy frequency [T-1 ~> s-1].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer mask_itidal => NULL()
 A mask of where internal tide energy is input.
real, dimension(:,:), pointer h2 => NULL()
 Squared bottom depth variance [m2].
real, dimension(:,:), pointer tideamp => NULL()
 RMS tidal amplitude [m s-1].
real, dimension(:), allocatable h_src
 tidal constituent input layer thickness [m]
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable tidal_qe_2d
 Tidal energy input times the local dissipation fraction, q*E(x,y), with the CVMix implementation of Jayne et al tidal mixing [W m-2]. TODO: make this E(x,y) only.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable tidal_qe_3d_in
 q*E(x,y,z) with the Schmittner parameterization [W m-3?]
logical answers_2018
 If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer diag => NULL()
 structure to regulate diagnostic output timing
type(tidal_mixing_diags), pointer dd => NULL()
 A pointer to a structure of diagnostic arrays.
integer id_tke_itidal = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_tke_leewave = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_itidal = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_niku = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_lowmode = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_itidal_work = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_niku_work = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_kd_lowmode_work = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_nb = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_n2_bot = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_n2_meanz = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_fl_itidal = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_fl_lowmode = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_polzin_decay_scale = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_polzin_decay_scale_scaled = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_n2_int = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_simmons_coeff = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_schmittner_coeff = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_tidal_qe_md = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.
integer id_vert_dep = -1
 Diagnostic identifiers.

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