mom_tracer_registry::tracer_type Type Reference

Detailed Description

The tracer type.

Definition at line 37 of file MOM_tracer_registry.F90.

Collaboration diagram for mom_tracer_registry::tracer_type:

Public variables and constants

real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer t => NULL()
 tracer concentration array [conc]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer ad_x => NULL()
 diagnostic array for x-advective tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer ad_y => NULL()
 diagnostic array for y-advective tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer ad2d_x => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum x-advective tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer ad2d_y => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum y-advective tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer df_x => NULL()
 diagnostic array for x-diffusive tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer df_y => NULL()
 diagnostic array for y-diffusive tracer flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer df2d_x => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum x-diffusive flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer df2d_y => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum y-diffusive flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer df2d_conc_x => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum x-diffusive content flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:), pointer df2d_conc_y => NULL()
 diagnostic vertical sum y-diffusive content flux [conc H m2 s-1 ~> conc m3 s-1 or conc kg s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer advection_xy => NULL()
 convergence of lateral advective tracer fluxes [conc H s-1 ~> conc m s-1 or conc kg m-2 s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer diff_cont_xy => NULL()
 convergence of lateral diffusive tracer fluxes [conc H s-1 ~> conc m s-1 or conc kg m-2 s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer diff_conc_xy => NULL()
 convergence of lateral diffusive tracer fluxes expressed as a change in concentration [conc s-1]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer t_prev => NULL()
 tracer concentration array at a previous timestep used for diagnostics [conc]
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer trxh_prev => NULL()
 layer integrated tracer concentration array at a previous timestep used for diagnostics
character(len=32) name
 tracer name used for diagnostics and error messages
character(len=64) units
 Physical dimensions of the tracer concentration.
character(len=240) longname
 Long name of the variable.
logical registry_diags = .false.
 If true, use the registry to set up the diagnostics associated with this tracer.
character(len=64) cmor_name
 CMOR name of this tracer.
character(len=64) cmor_units
 CMOR physical dimensions of the tracer.
character(len=240) cmor_longname
 CMOR long name of the tracer.
character(len=32) flux_nameroot = ""
 Short tracer name snippet used construct the names of flux diagnostics.
character(len=64) flux_longname = ""
 A word or phrase used construct the long names of flux diagnostics.
real flux_scale = 1.0
 A scaling factor used to convert the fluxes of this tracer to its desired units.
character(len=48) flux_units = ""
 The units for fluxes of this variable.
character(len=48) conv_units = ""
 The units for the flux convergence of this tracer.
real conv_scale = 1.0
 A scaling factor used to convert the flux convergence of this tracer to its desired units.
character(len=48) cmor_tendprefix = ""
 The CMOR variable prefix for tendencies of this tracer, required because CMOR does not follow any discernable pattern for these names.
integer ind_tr_squared = -1
 The tracer registry index for the square of this tracer.
logical advect_tr = .true.
 If true, this tracer should be advected.
logical hordiff_tr = .true.
 If true, this tracer should experience epineutral diffusion.
logical remap_tr = .true.
 If true, this tracer should be vertically remapped.
integer diag_form = 1
 An integer indicating which template is to be used to label diagnostics.
integer id_tr = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_adx = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_ady = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfx = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfy = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_adx_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_ady_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfx_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfy_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_adv_xy = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_adv_xy_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfxy_cont = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfxy_cont_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_dfxy_conc = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_remap_conc = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_remap_cont = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_remap_cont_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_tendency = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_trxh_tendency = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_trxh_tendency_2d = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.
integer id_tr_vardec = -1
 Diagnostic IDs.

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